'Cuffern' is the debut album from West Sussex England native Clive Murrell. Cuffern is an acoustic/folk album with a theme around the Wickerman, though the album is completely instrumental, save for what I believe is a sampled voice on the first song. Musically the feel of this release is more within a traditional folk vein rather than say within the neo folk genre, but even so the music has a timeless or heathen sort of aura to it and it remains quite beautiful from the first to the last song. Generally the only instrument used is an acoustic guitar, though some flutes and shakers are used and there is even one song that falls in the ambient genre. The sixth song and title track is the absolute highlight for me as it is breathtakingly gorgeous in its delivery and becomes trapped within my mind every time I listen to it. I'm also quite fond of 'Cam Ye 'er Frae France' since this one makes use of the flutes and shakers I mentioned earlier and it almost has a medieval like vibe to it. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to say this is one of the finer folk related records this year, but the fact that it comes in just a cardboard sleeve in CDr format and unfortunately limited to just 50 copies might make the average fan of the genre think otherwise. If so you've surely missed a stunning record that personally I can see myself playing for many years to come.
here is my remix of cuffern I hope you like it: