
Die Saat - Der Schlachten Tribut (2003)

Die Saat is a German band featuring members from some lesser known Germanic groups like Fjoergyn & Antiphrasis, and together they give us their take on the folk/epic/black metal sound. Heroic orchestral keyboard melodies, folky acoustic guitars, occasional female vocals, and ferocious raw black metal coalesce to form the sound of Die Saat.

Upon buying this record a few years back I was surprised to see that the band also has some rather melodic characteristics with lots of intricate guitar riffs and solos that only excel the album further. The keyboards are used almost throughout the entire album, but at no point do they block out the guitar or any other instruments, which I really like. Lead Singer Sturm uses basically just three types of voices; the usual black screams, low death growls and occasional clean singing, giving the album a good amount of diversity in the vocal department. The lyrics are almost completely in German except for track eleven, which is a ridiculously stupid song about the black metal war...

Anyway, the songs generally follow a rather simple formula by opening with the beautiful keyboard melodies then diving into the vicious black metal with some breaks in the songs for more keyboards or folky elements. Simple enough and they do it rather splendidly. Songs like, ‘Der Ahnen Sage’ & ‘Elfentanz’ are fantastic songs showcasing everything I love about epic/folky black metal, and not to forgot the wonderful keyboard instrumental, ‘Und die Hoffnung Ruht,’ which sounds like something you’d find on a Blakagir album. These songs are merely a small sample of how good this album is; as each song has some rather strong characteristics that make them stand out.

Fans of what you've just read above should take note of this band and try to track down this very limited album (only 1000 copies) or their debut, ‘Niedergang.'

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