
Moonsorrow - Suden Uni (Re-release) (2003)

After releasing four demos between 1996-1999, Moonsorrow’s debut album, ‘Suden Uni’ finally saw the light of day in 2001 after being delayed at least a year. In 2003 the album was re-released with new cover artwork, layout, a bonus track, and an additional DVD containing promo and live videos, giving the fans the finest version of this masterpiece possible.

While I have greatly enjoyed everything this Finnish band has released the biggest difference between the Moonsorrow of now and then is that the band is generally more folky melodic black metal sounding and baring a large resemblance to their fellow brethren in Finntroll here, which was only natural since Henri Sorvali plays in both bands. The songs although normally longer than Finntroll songs are the same type of ‘ultra enjoyable, drink a whole lotta beer and then get your sword out and defend your medieval realm, type a folky epic-ish melodic black metal songs’ that I utterly love. The only real exception to this is the slower Bathory-ish, ‘1065: Aika,’ which is marvelous and it clearly shows where Moonsorrow would be taken their music in the near future. The band also displays some occasional dissonant black metal characteristics on this album, which would pretty much disappear with the next two albums, but make a bit of a comeback with the, ‘Verisäkeet’ album and onwards.

So, the favorites you ask? Every last song! There isn’t one bad song on this album. I could listen to this album on repeat for hours and be thoroughly entertained every single time. Songs like, ‘Ukkosenjumalan Poika,' ‘kuin Ikuinen’ & 'Tuulen Koti, Aaltojen Koti' are simply superb and if there is any luck in this world I'd like to be in Finland getting drunk to the bonus track, ‘Tulkaapa Äijät’ someday. This stuff just rules!

The forty minute bonus DVD isn’t any less stunning either showcasing two fantastic promo videos for two of the best Moonsorrow songs and the live gig at Tuska fest is remarkable as well. The video & sound quality is top notch as well and the band delivers a perfect performance. So get that broadsword out, take a swig of mead, and start lopping heads off of some Christian scum while headbanging to the masterful, 'Suden Uni!' Hails!

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