
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator (2005)

I have to admit when this release appeared in my mailbox back in '05 I figured this bands music to be within the death metal genre and after turning it over and seeing the Portuguese titles I thought, 'Yippie, Brazilian death metal.' I couldn’t have been more wrong.

This Portuguese band Filii Nigrantium Infernalium’s history dates as far back as 1989 where the band was formed under the Bactherion moniker and in 1991 they changed names and released a demo in 1993. Over the next ten years they only released two EPs and now after all these years they’ve finally released a full length album. Interestingly Moonspell thanks Filii in the booklet of their debut, 'Wolfheart,' though I suppose these guys will not quite stir up as much attention as Moonspell did with Wolfheart.

Anyway, Filli’s music is a barbaric battering of rocking thrash metal molded with a smigden of black metal to form one powerful and massively enjoyable album. The music mostly continues along in this path but there are a few moments early in the album where things slow down a bit for more atmospheric moods. Otherwise though it’s heavily melodic beguiling guitars coalescing with great drumming and one maniac of a lead singer. Guitarist’s Andremon & Belarhauzer certainly know what there doing on this album by hitting the listeners with tremendous riff after freaking’ tremendous riff! There are also some really astonishing solos on this album in particular one very memorable one at the end of, ‘Cães de Guerra’ that I simply had to play over and over again until I could advance further in the album.

Belarhauzer additionally handles the vocals and they really are fairly unique. They certainly are rooted in black metal (but are still understandable) with these hellish high pitched screams that remind me of Silenius from Abigor. Really hard to describe but if you like wild vocalists than your going to like this guy. I won’t go into naming favorites because frankly after the atmospheric intro ends its nothing but pure blackened thrashing rocking metal for the next forty three minutes.

As ever, Filii Nigrantium Infernalium has been slow with releasing material, but they did unleash a new EP last year called, 'Rëtrofornicatör.' I guess some bands just move slow.

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