A.O.T.A.'s music is fairly straightforward thrash metal with catchy heavy riffage and some interesting solos from the hands of John & Dathan, while Dave's drum work often time blasts away on the double bass pedal during the faster moments in the songs, but he certainly knows how to keep things interesting with the occasional drum roll or fill too. Justin's bass work is somewhat heard, but is generally buried behind everything else, while he uses a throaty shouting vocal style, which works with the music, but it tends to bring metalcore vocals to mind. So, its something to get used to.
My first real experience with this band was seeing them live where I honestly thought they sounded fairly decent since they managed to get the crowd going a bit, especially when they played their cover version of Celtic Frost's, 'Into the Crypts of Rays,' which is also the final song on this EP. I think what prevents me from fully enjoying this EP though is that the production is lacking. Perhaps if the drums had been louder and more commanding and the riffs and solos would have been larger in size I'd be fully able to appreciate this EP.
Nevertheless, Architects of the Aftermath are on the right path to creating something great and hopefully by the time they are ready to record their debut full-length they'll choose a better studio that will allow their music to fully shine through and be the brutalest, fastest, darkest Thrash Metal 'round these parts.
Hey, this is Justin from Architects of the Aftermath, this is a fair review but I must say that I find it disturbing to be labeled as someone even tending to inch towards any sort of metal-core style vocals since I am so ignorant to the genre because it annoys me to no end. Perhaps this might be the case but fuck I wish it was not and this is the first time I have ever been accused of metal-core vocals. I have always went for the Slayer, Kreator, Death and late 80's early 90's thrash vocals that are on the fence between thrash and death. I guess since the songs are jam packed with lyrics it is hard to stretch and go beyond barking the words with the beat, but goddamn, metal-core, bummer. Maybe I'll start doing some Belladonna type shit...no. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to review our album and we are currently in the process of hopefully burying it with our upcoming full length. Stay brutal!