
Behexen - By the Blessing of Satan (2004)

Since its release in '08 I had been telling myself that Behexen's third album, 'My Soul for His Glory' was their masterpiece, largely because that record felt more diverse and atmospheric, yet I was thinking this without even owning their sophomore release, 'By the Blessing of Satan.' I changed that a few months ago when I stopped into the Kvlt Shop in Helsinki and finally picked up a physical copy of this monstrous release.

Right from the start its all out war on this release as thunderous riffs, pounding drums and bellowing shrieks straight from fucking hell echoe throughout my living room. 'By the Blessing of Satan' and the following six songs all rely greatly on pummeling relentless blasting that is remarkably well infused with semi-melodic and occasionally very catchy riffs. The production is outright lo-fo and trebly, though every instrument is clearly heard and yet each instrument is heavily distorted too. The music utterly explodes out of my speakers in a loud murderously dark manner, while the vocals are delivered in a shrill poisonously abominable style.

I absolutely love the terrifying scream that opens, 'Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Roihuten' and the bludgeoning chaos that ensues afterwards, but curiously enough some slower dirge like parts can be found in this one that are creepy and insanely atmospheric in their delivery. 'Black Metal Baptism' starts out slowly, but unleashes hell soon enough with a eerie lead riff and also a brilliant solo near the end and another calmer part following, then after the sudden ringing of a bell utter disarray enfolds once again - I adore this damn song! 'Watchers Of My Black Temple' features a mostly slower tempo throughout, occasional chanting, a wickedly dark atmosphere and both slightly gorgeous and melancholic riffs, while 'Under The Eye Of Lord' has these riffs that are totally headbangable and colossal in their conveyance. Generally speaking though, the whole forty seven minute album is immense.

'By the Blessing of Satan' is simply magnificent due to the pacing and flow of the album as well with tons of appealing riffs, the appropriate darkened mood and the members overall performance being that of perfection its challenging to find anything negative about this record. I'll still stand by, 'My Soul for His Glory' and say its a great record, but this one is a perfect black metal record.


  1. Great album, I did not however get the feeling that, "My Soul for His Glory," was all that great compared to the untouchable intro to Rituale Satanum.

    1. Haha, I guess I don't recall that intro. I'll have to look it up again.

  2. One of my favorite bands, i cant choose at all between their 3 albums...im highly anticipating the new one that comes out soon.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArXIxM8Mo-g
