
Mystifier - Wicca (1992)

I've always admired the early Brazilian underground metal scene which was home to such satanic tyrants as Sepultura, Sacrofago, Vulcano, Holocausto and the mighty Mystifier. Formed in '89 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil the cities historic name is Cidade de São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos (City of the Holy Saviour of the Bay of all Saints), which may have served as extra inspiration to create an unholy black metal band. After two demos and one single between '89 and '91, Mystifier unleashed, 'Wicca' in '92 to an unexpecting crowd.

Comprised of nine blasphemous hymns, 'Wicca' offers up violent utterly aggressive black/death metal that's mostly played at breakneck speeds and with plenty of juvenile chaoticness and sloppy musicianship, yet as you know from my past reviews that I always enjoy bands like this. Black metal at the time was still a new thing, often times still showing traits from the death and thrash metal genre, but its not hard to see that these guys were on the same path as evil grave desecrating goat warshipers, such as, Blasphemy, Samael, Beherit, Von and Profanatica.

Featuring an abysmally raw production and the occasional backing keyboard enhancement, 'Wicca's' songs are heavily blast beat driven with a thick bass sound but more thin sounding guitars while wicked low growled/raspy barking screams lead this ceremony of evil. With the drummer almost always blasting it creates a hypnotic feel of sorts, but some slower doomier sections can also be found that sound absolutely malevolent. There isn't really any single song that stands out and blows me away, but the album as a whole has a gripping and occult feel that always keeps me coming back for more.

Its no secret that there are many second wave black metal bands that got overlooked either due to being on a small label or simply because of their location, which is obviously the case with Mystifier. Nevertheless, Mystifier carries onwards even today and thankfully at least nowadays many cult labels are re-releasing old gems and exhuming classic evilness like, 'Wicca.' If you have any interest in early pioneering black metal or any of the bands above then do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with the demons known as Mystifier.

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