I haven't done a beer review in ages! I do however remember spewing out some rot about wanting to cut back on the sauce the last time I did post one and, ya know, that's just silly. I surely haven't cut back and I'm actually happy to report that I have a reason to drink.
1) I've got three more days left at my currently dead end job, which I'm eager to part with.
2) I'll be starting my new job on Monday and I'm even more eager for that.
3) Do I really need reasons to drink?
4) No I do not.
Oh, and just look at this one. A half gallon of booze is my treat for the day from the wonderful people at the Rogues Ales Brewery in Oregon. The skeletal bloodless deceased dude motif sure is fantastic as well, especially since I've always wanted to be a dead guy. At least I can drink the dead and party from from six feet under with this one in my glass.
What does the dead look like? Well, Dead Guy Ale pours a reddish/copper color with a frothy thick white head that provides plenty of lacing to my glass. With my super sniffer in the glass I pick up a malty and fruity scent that seems typical for the most part. The taste is rather light and smooth and hardly malty or bitter either. I pick up on a mild caramel taste, but its hardly sweet and there's something of a fruit flavor buried deep within too. Further swigs don't reveal much, but either way its a decent and enjoyable brew. Whether or not I'd buy it again is questionable as I've tasted others that are similar and surely cheaper. That big jug was $14 at my local liquor store. Honestly, I sort of bought it for the jug.
With an ABV of 6.5% I'm probably going to be tanked before I finish this baby up, but who cares about all that. The side of the bottle explains that this ale is dedicated to "Ed Rose - a 21st Century Survivor." Wikipedia didn't reveal who the fuck Ed Rose was, but I'll assume he's very much a dead guy. Bottoms up to the dead ones! Die Dulci to you all. Rot in peace, Ed.
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