
Mutant Supremacy - Rotting Season (2012)

Honestly, I'd never heard of Mutant Supremacy until they were in my home town doing a gig on a Sunday evening. I wasn't able to attend that particular show, but as luck would have it, the ancient death metal gods reared their ugly fucking mugs out, and the band decided to forgo their off day and do another gig at the same venue in conjunction with our weekly 'Metal Monday's' shindig at Frank's Power Plant. A quick visit to youtube to check out their debut album and I was hooked. No way I was missing this show!

Humanity is doomed to die, sentenced to be slain
Formed in Brooklyn, New York sometime in '07 when drummer Robert and vocalist/guitarist Sam meet at a Vital Remains gig, Mutant Supremacy first released the 'Corpses in Pieces' demo tape in '10, which was quickly followed by the full-length, 'Infinite Suffering.' I picked up the full-length LP at the show, which might I add comes as a killer splatter vinyl with a big ass poster too. Anyway, I thought IS was a totally solid record, although I found the vocals to just be a bit off. Not really bad, just weird sounding. Flash forward to more modern times and the band is releasing the 'Rotting Season' 7" EP, which features the current line-up of Sam (guitar/vocal), Winslow (bass), Curt (guitar) and Robert (drums).

'Kill Without Question' pummels and pulverizes immediately and I'm quickly reminded of the most brutal parts of records from death metal greats such as Deicide, Immolation and Incantation. On 'Rotting Season' the band hits the listener with a relentless barrage of powerful rhythm and corpse ripping brutality that's energetic, catchy and ultimately just killer! 'The Cost of Conquest,' although short at just two minutes is a quick slice to the jugular that will leave you twitchin' and bleeding, while the closer 'Memento Mori' is all slow down Incantation/Autopsy initially, but then just bulldozes the bejesus out of my speakers and my neck with all the headbanging and fist pumping happening over here.

The vocal issue I found with the first album sounds drastically improved this time around as well, more guttural and just plain badassery here, and with the occasional trade-off of high pitched screams from Winslow I'd say they've got it down bigtime now. Figure in some colossal riffs, quick and powerful solos, bludgeoning drumming and you've got one fine 7" incher sitting on your turntable.

The band also recently issued a split 7" with Cardiac Arrest, although I failed to get my hands on a copy of this one. With that being said, I'd hope the band is hard at work on their next full-length, which based off of this recording will surely be massive!

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