
Southern Tier - Creme Brulee Imperial Milk Stout

Oh, Southern Tier, have I neglected you so! Ever since trying your delicious Imperial Choklat Stout a while back I've been longing to try your other brews, but something else would always just catch my eyes each time at the liquor store... I say no more! I'm a Southern Tier guy from here onwards! And, oh, what's this then?! Creme Brulee Imperial Milk Stout... oh, fuck!

Creme Brulee pours out a grave dirt dark color with a fluffy tan head to it with minimal lacing. The smell is immense - coffee, caramel, vanilla and chocolate are every where. I mean, its amazing! I'm just sitting here sniffing and enjoying this black beast. The first swig is... my god It tastes just as it smells, really! The flavors are so well balanced that it makes for the perfect liquid candy dessert treat. So much so that I'm really considering getting some ice cream out of the freezer and dropping a scoop in my glass just to experience the two together (note: I tried this with MGD as a teen... the results were not good!!). I guess the craziest thing about this stout is that you honestly can't tell that its alcoholic. Nope, its just pure deliciousness. Funnily enough, its got a 9.5% ABV, which probably means the buzz should be kicking in any moment now.

As good as this beer is its got a slight drawback to it - Its too sweet for its own good. I mean, its like indulging into the most rich piece of cake you could possibly imagine. Yeah, sure, at first its like, "Fuck yeah, dude, this is a sweet piece of fucking pie!" But, then the richness just overtakes you and you reach a point where you simply can't handle any more... ... Nah, this is fucking beer, man, I'm going to drink the whole bottle, but again I have to hammer home the point that there's barely any alcohol taste to this and its just pure sweetness from start to finish.

In the end, this is a hell of a beer, skip the solid dessert, just grab a bottle of this bastard. And if you can't handle the whole bottle then split it with a buddy. So very sweet, but so very good too.


  1. Nicely done. This is one I've yet to try yet, but when I'm craving something sweet I'll pick it up.

    1. Its insanity, man. After I'd finished the whole thing it really felt like too much sweetness, haha. Even weirder I could still smell it in my sinuses after drinking it all down.
