
A Crown of Amaranth - Manuscript/Winterupt (2005)

Originally wrote & published on August 9th, 2005

‘Manuscript/Winterupt’ is the debut album from Brandon Elkins and his personal musical vessel A Crown of Amaranth. I was fairly awed with Brandon’s previous release ‘The Shave’ EP, which was a lively twenty two minutes of ambiance, noise, breakcore, and experimental electronics. This debut continues on in a similar style, but leans more towards the ambient, noise, and even power electronics territory.

The first song ‘Cower’ is a short ambient piece with the rumbling sounds of thunder in the distance and the vibe it gives off is that of an awfully forbidding sentiment. ‘Reduced to Ashes’ is the longest song at eleven minutes with loud ear piercing industrial sounds amid a noisy ambient backdrop almost like Gruntsplatter at times. ‘Winterupt’ carries on in a similar vein, but includes some mellow acoustic guitar layered over the impending doom. Doom indeed is the listener’s fate as they reach ‘Harsh Vaginal Rubbing in Flames’ as this song is more noise than anything else. ‘Spirit that never moves’ is a surprise song because it’s just a piano ballad with some light ambiance in the background. ‘Gargling Infectious Waste’ again takes us back to the ruthless noise sound while ‘Deciphered’ is more in line with ‘Reduced to Ashes,’ but not as cruel.

Once more ACOA delivers an exciting collection of songs that totals for thirty seven minutes and really tickles your brain down this sinister expedition. I really enjoy the way Brandon incorporates so much into his music, while so many other artists in the experimental electronics genre just stick to one or two ingredients. Not much else can be said other than that this is a very satisfying debut that should be sought out by anyone that has curiosity in this sort of music.

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