
Adhur / Aiumeen Basoa / Ilbeltz – Triarchy Of Vasconia (Iluntasunaren Itzulera) (2000)

Originally wrote & published on February 7th, 2002

The Triarchy of Vasconia is a three way split CD of three bands that come from the Basque country. Now before I got this album I had never even heard of this country before. Honestly when I first the name I thought it was near Russia, but as it turns out Basque is part of Spain. The album contains three songs from each band, and each band plays their music in a heavy/black/folk/pagan metal style.

Adhur: Adhur is the first band on the split and wow what an amazing band they are! The first song 'Sua' is just an intro song, and it's a pure folk song. No vocals, or anything just folk music. This leads up to the second song, which is more of black/folk/pagan metal song. The vocals range from black metal extreme vocals to beautiful female vocals. This song is both calm and chaotic. Parts of it are slow and folkish while other parts are really fast. The third song is my personal favorite song from Adhur. This song is a dark folk song with both raspy vocals, and more beautiful female vocals. The song is slow, and theirs nothing metal about this song at all. Adhur has done an awesome job here, and I can't wait to hear more music from this band.

Aiumeen Basoa: This band features a lot of members one of which is also part of Adhur. So some of the music in this band may seem simular to Adhur. Like Adhur this band opens with a slow instrumental song. The second song is much more faster and features some fast parts as well as slow parts. The vocals shift from black metal vocals to clean vocals. The clean vocals however are really unique and I don't even know how to describe them, but their simple amazing to say the least. The best part of this song happens at about minute and a half into it. Theirs some spoken vocals, and then some nice female vocals. This all leads up to the simple beautiful/epic melody at about three minutes in. The third song is more of the same thing from this band, but is not nearly as good as the previous song.

Ilbeltz: Ilbeltz has more of a heavy/black/folk metal feeling to their music. Ilbeltz is very unique sounding just like the other two bands on this album. They use a wide variety of instruments on their songs. Including whistles, violin and even an accordion! Maybe this will be the new thing for future black metal bands...we shall see. The first song is another ambient instrumental track, and is absolutely beautiful sounding. The second song is the 13-minute opus 'Itsaoaren Nigarra' it starts out like a normal folk song, and features the accordion in the beginning of it. At about 1:30 in to the song the guitars and drums kick into the mix, and at about 3 minutes in we here some of the whistles and yelling. The vocal style for this song has the same clean vocal style that the previous band used. It's just amazing sounding, and a must hear! They also use some black metal vocals that members from the other two bands provide. This song shifts from being fast metal to folk music. When it's all said and done this is my favorite song on the album, and it is an absolute masterpiece! The final song on this split is very simular to the second song only this one is a 15-minute instrumental song. However they do use some growls and screams at certain parts of the song. The best part of this song doesn't happen until the last couple of minutes of the song when the music shifts to beautiful celtic music with violins and acoustic guitars.

This is one of those albums that I have had for a few months now and I have constantly been playing. The music and the bands on this CD are brilliant. I cannot wait to hear these bands debut albums, and once those albums do come out I wish them all the luck in the world at being a successful band. If you like any of the music styles mentioned above I urge you to go buy this album now. I have only had this album for a few short months, but within that time it has become one of my most played albums ever. Keep up the amazing work!

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