
Ganzmord - Monolithic in Darkness (2005)

Arisen from the desert wasteland of Arizona, USA, 'Monolithic in Darkness' is some of the most malicious, crude, abhorrent, orthodox, catastrophic, unadulterated black fucking venomous wickedness ever conceived!

While probably only appreciably under moods of intense fury, lunacy, and suffering, Ganzmord is truly something. The name is a combination of the German words, “Ganz,” which is a prefix meaning total or complete, and “mord,” which is a suffix meaning death or murder and you might have some idea of what to expect before going into this one, but let me assure you of one thing - this isn’t your kid sisters black metal!

Ganzmord’s music largely has two sides to it; it’s extremely fast, harsh and dissonant with a few melodic guitar parts, blast beats, and some of the most inhuman vocals ever recorded, while at other times the music shifts to a dreadfully slow misanthropic doom pace with noise and drone parts, all the while with a rehearsal like production to it. If you enjoy bands like Ildjarn, Clandestine Blaze, Endless Dismal Moan, Krieg, Darkthrone, Burzum, Profanatica, Blasphemy and Beherit its entirely possible you’ll find much to be fond of on this tremendous recording.

However even as Ganzmord does bare similarities to those artists it should be noted that Ganzmord is no copy and holds its ground as a firmly unique black metal project. Highlights for me are, 'Enemy of Humanity,' 'Demoness of Whores,' and definitely the frightening suicidal doomy black metal masterpiece, 'Black Monolithic.' The cover of Darkthrone’s classic, 'Transilvanian Hunger' is also dead on and sounds just as good as the original if not better.

The production is as I already said very rehearsal-ish in character, raw, discordant and LOUD! You'll see what I'm talking about soon as you hit play, and don't expect any cutesy intros either - it's fucking terror from the first second onwards. And those vocals, damn, you'll either love 'em or hate 'em, I'm sure Ganzmord would prefer you hate 'em, because he fucking hates you.

After this recording Ganzmord released a split with Greek one-man band, Dodsferd and in 2009 a 7" called, 'In Praise of the Weeping Filth,' but all has been silent since and hopefully this isn't the end because such callous, forbidding, trance inducing and darkly atmospheric music like Monolithic in Darkness is absolutely superb.

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