
Sentenced - North from Here (1993)

It might not be of much interest to many folks out there, but February 18th marks the two years its been since Sentenced founder, lead guitarist and all around band mastermind, Miika Tenkula, was found dead in his apartment having suffered a heart attack at the tender age of 34. To me it means something because Sentenced both their new and old records alike are among some of my most favorite music ever created and although I never met Miika personally I felt like I lost a friend when news broke of his passing. So, today is the day to pump those Sentenced records loud. I'll go with my favorite, the bands definitive masterpiece, 1993's, 'North From Here.'

‘North from Here’ was beyond a doubt a special album and although just the bands second release it showed a dramatic improvement over their debut album, 'Shadows of the Past, which although is quite decent it was something of a typical death metal album, and as such its probably not as heavily remembered, but North from Here absolutely crushes. This album saw the band moving into a more melodic direction and although the Swedes get all the credit for melodic death metal genre this album should not be overlooked for the absolute unrivaled perfection it holds.

1993 was a big year for this genre as In Flames and Dark Tranquillity would go on to release their debuts by years end, but Sentenced unleashed this beast in June of that year, which happened to also be just a month after Dissection released their masterwork, 'The Somberlain.' While I love all of that early material from In Flames and DT, Sentenced still manages to completely obliterate them and gave Dissection a pretty good run for their money too on, 'North From Here.'

Lead by the vibrant and highly engaging melodic guitar work of Tenkula and Sami Lopakka, outstanding drumming from Vesa Ranta, the violent and quite insane growls, screams and roars and competent bass guitar work of Taneli Jarva, plus the occasionally use of keyboards and acoustic guitars made Sentenced truly a force to be reckoned with in these early days.

All glorious solos and riffs aside, what I really adore about this album is the whole atmosphere it gives off. Soon as, 'My Sky is Darker Than Thine' chimes into my ears and those first pummeling riffs erupt out my speakers its like a fucking overload of head banging insanity for this metal head here. The same could be said for, 'Awaiting the Winter Frost' and although I don't know why, but I've always had this little fantasy about being in a band and playing a live cover of this song.

Another compelling aspect of this release is Lopakka and Jarva’s lyrics. While most extreme metal bands at the time were writing tales about their morbid desires, love for Satan and other evil entities, Sentenced strayed away from that and wrote lyrics dealing more with battles, northern beauty, sorrow and general hatred for the world. Oh, and Taneli Jarva's vocals absolutely kill on this album and if you ever wondered who that dude from Children of Bodom ripped off vocally (or tried at least) then give this album a spin and you'll find out. To name favorites from this album is really quite futile as every song on this release is of high quality and thoroughly compelling, but the two mentioned above and the song, 'Wings' have made my life much better since I heard this album.

Additionally if you’re considering purchasing this album I would suggest picking up the Century Media re-issue, which also contains the bands debut album on disc two as well as, 'The Trooper' EP from '94 and the, '92 'Journey to Pohjola' demo, plus additional liner notes and photos.

It seems like Sentenced often gets over looked as a pioneer in the melodic death metal genre due to their quick metamorphosis after this album and onward, but all I can say is this is one of the best albums to found within this genre and a must for anyone that even remotely considers themselves a fan of melodic extreme metal.

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