
Raise Hell - Holy Target (1998)

By the mid to late 90's there was a fuck load of bands that had set their sights on either copying or trying their best to one-up Jon Nödtveidt and the mighty Dissection. Curiously, all of these bands were of Swedish birth too; Sacramentum, Vinterland and Mörk Gryning to name a few. In '95 four maniacs from Stockholm set out to do the same, originally under various monickers they settled on In Cold Blood and released the, 'Nailed' demo in '97, but once again quickly changed names to Raise Hell and released, 'Holy Target' through Nuclear Blast Records in '98.

'Holy Target' is full on, 'Storm of the Light's Bane' worship with some minor groovy thrashy parts too. All nine tracks blast away chaotically with plenty of energy, heaps of roaring fast double bass drums and some seriously catchy and memorable riffs and solos throughout this forty two minute effort. Songs like, 'Raise the Devil' or 'Holy Target' are Raise Hell at their fastest and most Dissection-ish where you can also detect some Bathory and Teutonic thrash characteristics as well. You could chalk it down as being a mere rip-off, except for the fact that it completely fucking rules! Others like, 'Legion of Creeps' or 'The Red Ripper' are equally commanding and colossal in their delivery and if you're anything like me its likely you'll be bangin' like a maniac to these numbers. Some songs like, 'Black Visions' even show some Dark Funeral traits due to the relentless blasting.

The Abyss Studios production is clear, crisp and dynamic as always and the drums and guitars are produced brilliantly, especially the drums which absolutely explode out of your speakers. The bass is a bit moderate and not really heard much, but not really a necessary instrument while the well performed but typical sounding raspy screams lead the charge during this battle. You also get a classic Necrolord painting on the cover of jets shooting missiles at a church. Burn, mother fucker!

Raise Hell was quick to change their style to some sort of party blackened thrash on subsequent releases and even moving towards a purer heavy metal style on their last outing. 'Holy Target' however is one of many great melodic black metal records which came out in the mid to late 90's and if you can find it definitely get it!! Personally I found this on eBay recently for $1.50! Score!

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