
Shelf Eradication

I'm feeling entirely too drained today to write even a semi-decent review, therefore I'll share an incident with you, which happened a little over five years ago.

As you can see from the title of this post and the photos that I've posted that I managed to completely obliterate my CD shelf. Oh, but how did this tragic event take place you ask? Well, if memory serves me right I was having one of my meth addict like cleaning days, which eventually lead to me moving all the furniture in my apartment around too. It was my desire to move my CD shelf from one point in my living room to another, unfortunately I got lazy about it and thought I could move the entire shelf without removing any of the CDs.

Y'see, I'm the sort of person that has his collection perfectly alphabetised and I didn't want to be bothered with taking some/most off and having to get them in the proper order again. So basically I crouched down and attempted to drag the shelf to the new place. Not expecting the task to be such a chore, I seem to remember getting about five, maybe, six feet from the original placement when suddenly I heard a crash and my downstairs neighbor shouting, "What the FUCK?!" I stood upright and then and only then realized that I had completely fucking killed the shelf.

My initial worry was that it might have crashed down on one of my cats and smooshed them to ground chuck, but fortunately that wasn't the case. No, the only damage came to my movie shelf and two DVD box sets, which were the 'Pinky Violence Collection' and an anime called, 'Boogiepop Phantom,' both boxes being somewhat rare and sought after these days. Amazingly not a single jewelcase, CD or cassette was injured in any way... but the shelf was dust, completely ruined.

I don't really know what my emotions were at the time other than being pissed off at myself for being so lazy. Of course an entire shelf was ruined and since they cost over $100 I was upset I'd eventually have to go and buy a new one, which knowing me probably happened the very next day. But, hey you live and learn, right? Since buying the new shelf I haven't moved it and I don't suppose I will in less I'm moving some place entirely new. So, in the end if you ever feel some random need to clean your entire house plus move the furniture around then do take caution. Them shelf's are just not too stable.


  1. I've had nightmares about stuff like that happening! It's a small miracle no more damage came from that, consider yourself lucky. I really shouldn't pile so much stuff on my 20-something-year old piece of shit shelf...

    1. Yeah, its definitely a nightmare come true, haha. So, best I can say is be careful, especially if the shelf is that old.
