
Years left in the Crypt, I start to move again...!

December 21st, 2014…. The very last post I made on this blog. No explanation, no goodbyes, no future plans, nothing. I was gone. Dead to the world. Did anyone care? Maybe? Maybe not… Lunar Hypnosis blog and its earlier incarnation (2001-2008) were to rest in peace, forever.

A few months later I began a Dark Ambient project called Noctilucant, which is still very much active to this day, as well as several other projects of mine. I swore going forward I’d focus entirely on music as a creative endeavor and never write or talk about music again. I lied.

In March of 2018 I began a Dark Ambient vlog, which was somewhat successful, but after a few years of doing it I got burned out by the genre and in a lot of ways, lost interest in following it altogether. About a year ago, I decided it was time to return to my roots and start talking about Heavy Metal again, and thus, Joe’s Metal Mancave vlog was born. Under this new banner I’ve been talking (mostly) about Black Metal music from years past, specifically from the 90s and early 00s, sort of a documentation of my journey to the past, and uncovering lost gems and classics I missed out on upon their original release.

Not too long into the creation of Joe’s Metal Mancave I began re-posting my old interviews from the earlier era of Lunar Hypnosis, which has been met with success. I kept thinking that eventually I wanted to re-post some (or all) of the old reviews and other articles as well, which would be a daunting task, especially considering the vast amount of reviews that were written (over 5000!).

Eventually it dawned on me to return to this old blog, which had a good following during its initial run (2010-2014). Thus, I’m back! However, with a slight twist…

I’m back with the intention to re-post all of these old reviews, articles, and whatnot from that ancient era of Lunar Hypnosis. Why? Well, because otherwise they only exist as a CDr under my computer desk. Both myself and a lot of others involved put countless hours into the ‘zine, and it felt right to finally get these old writings back on the internet in what I hope is a mostly permanent forum. I’m doing this mostly as a means to archive the past, and whether or not it will mean anything to anyone is another story, I’m doing it partially for myself and everyone else that was involved with the ‘zine. My hope though, is that this version of Lunar Hypnosis once again gains the small following it once had and hopefully gets some readers into some old bands they may have missed out on.

My plan right now is to just repost my own reviews/articles, which in itself will literally take years, but eventually I’ll repost my other writers' content too. More than likely I’ll cross post these reviews on Metal Archives and Discogs, as well. Since I’ll just be cutting and pasting text, this should be a relatively easy endeavor, and my plan is to post a new (old) review every single day going forward.

So, thanks in advance to anyone that might read this or the forthcoming reviews from Lunar Hypnosis’ long buried past. I’m back!

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