
A.I.D.S. - Syndrome of the End Approaching (2006)

Originally wrote & published on July 23, 2006

A.I.D.S. was born two years ago by musician/producer Geoff Montgomery (AKA Tophetarath) from Fort Wayne, Indiana USA. Geoff has been recording music for over a decade now and has current and past experiences with such bands as Lonewalker, Fog, Nokturnel, Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse, Formaldehyde Sleep, and The Lurking Corpses. A.I.D.S. however being the subject of this review and one of his most recent bands and completely solo bands at that plays harsh black metal in a raw/necro type of vein similar to Conqueror, Beherit, Blasphemy, Krieg, Ildjarn, Darkthrone, and other such extremists. So I guess you know what to expect; rather low-fi production values, mostly repetitive but sometimes rocking guitar riffs, fastly pounded technical drums and percussion, and deep lacerating screams. So really no surprises with the exception of a few samples and the drumming actually being rather good, but nonetheless were treated to an enjoyable album here. If you’ve come to enjoy any of the bands listed above you’d do well to check out this debut vinyl only album from A.I.D.S.

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